Exotic Pet
We discuss proper grooming, socialization and handling recommendations are made including consultation on flying strategies. It is very important for young birds to have proper early socialization, and to learn all the skills that they would learn in the wild, including flying and proper foraging.

The physical exam is performed from head to toe, and will visually and tactilely assess the:
- Eyes
- Ears
- Beak
- Mouth
- Choana
- Nostrils
- Neck
- Body size
- Pectoral muscle-mass development
- Abdomen
- Vent
- Feathers
- Wings
- Legs
- Tail
- With the help of a stethoscope, the heart, lung, and air sac sounds are also evaluated.
Birds special cases and surgery
Common Surgical Procedure in Birds. (Specialty Services offered in Birds)
- Foreign body removal/crop impaction/sour crop
- Obtaining crop biopsy – investigating suspect proventricular dilatation disease
- Repair of damage due to trauma
- Barb wire injuries in raptors and wildlife
- Crop burns in hand-reared parrots
- Crop rupture due to flying accident
- Fractures – very common in pet parrots
- Liver Biopsy
- Kidney Biopsy
- Hysterectomy
- Abdominal neoplasia
- Ovarian Cyst
- Leg Prosthesis for amputee birds
- Crop Biopsy to diagnose Viral Proventricular Disease
- Feather cysts
- Cancer surgery
- Beak / Dental Surgery
- Eye surgery
- Sinus Surgery
- Radiology
- Fluoroscopy
- Ultrasound
- CT scans
- Endoscopy
- Flight training
- Dietary consultation and conversion
- Flock consultation
- Compassionate avian-tailored euthanasia
- House calls
Avian Soft Tissue Surgery:
Basic surgical instrumentation for avian soft tissue surgery includes soft tissue retractors, microsurgical instrumentation, surgical loupes, and head-mounted lights. Hemostasis is fundamental during the surgical procedures. The indications, approach, and complications associated with soft tissue surgeries of the integumentary (digit constriction repair, feather cyst excision, cranial wound repair, sternal wound repair, uropygial gland excision), gastrointestinal (ingluviotomy, crop biopsy, crop burn repair, celiotomy, coelomic hernia and pseudohernia repair, proventriculotomy, ventriculotomy, enterotomy, intestinal resection and anastomosis, cloacoplasty, cloacopexy), respiratory (rhinolith removal, sinusotomy, tracheotomy, tracheal resection and anastomosis, tracheostomy, pneumonectomy) and reproductive (ovocentesis, ovariectomy, salpingohysterectomy, cesarean section, orchidectomy, vasectomy, phallectomy) systems are reviewed.