
Beak surgery on cockatiel bird.
We offer the most progressive surgical techniques and upgraded technology. We have a modern surgical suites fully equipped with monitoring devices for ECG, blood pressure and oxygen saturation parameters, Isoflurane and sevoflurane inhalant anesthesia and a fully trained technician to ensure the safest and most effective surgical care of your pet• Pharmacy
Small Animal Clinic of Pune has a full in-house pharmacy for your pet’s prescription needs. In addition to prescribed medications, we also carry various over the counter medications, heartworm and flea and tick prevention
Cataract surgery-

A cataract is any opacity within a lens. The opacity can be very small (incipient cataract) and not interfere with vision. It can involve more of the lens (immature cataract) and cause blurred vision. Eventually, the entire lens can become cloudy, and all functional vision lost. This is called a mature cataract. Some mature cataracts will transform over time into hyper mature cataracts.

Immature, mature, and hyper mature cataracts can cause a serious reactive inflammation inside the eye (Lens Induced uveitis, that must be medically treated, It can lead to complications such as glaucoma or a detached retina if cataract surgery is not performed, and This uveitis decreases the success rate of cataract surgery.
In dog with diabetes, cataracts develop very fast and they can lead to medical and surgical emergency. Once a lens has developed a cataract, it should removed surgically. cataract surgery is extremely delicate surgery and is performed under general anesthesia with high-magnification using an operating microscope. Some dogs require anti-inflammatory medication for several weeks, months, or lifetime following cataract surgery.
The earlier the cataract can be removed, the better result for cataract surgery.
Indirect opthalmoscopy

Slit lamp

Phaco surgery
Cataract surgery is performed using a process called phacoemulsification. Phacoemulsification uses an instrument to deliver ultrasonic energy to the cataract. Break up of the cataractous material occurs so that it can be aspirated from the eye. A very small incision is made into the cornea to allow the instrument into the eye. An artificial lens is then generally placed in the eye where the cataract used to be (in some instances placement of an artificial lens is not possible, but in these cases vision is still better than it is with a cataract